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How to get Moving

When your body is used to not moving, except from the kitchen to the couch, it is very difficult to get going with regular physical activity. But the key point is that you can do it, if you take it slowly.

A few years ago, I decided I would do something I have never done before and try running. I began a "Couch to 5k" type of training course. The very first lesson, they wanted you to run for two minutes straight. Not just once but like four times between periods of walking. I have not run in ages, but if I ever do, I can handle maybe a few seconds, not minutes. My first thought was to just give up. But I knew I could do it if I went a little more slowly. So I added my own introductory lesson. And I was happy with just walking for several minutes. Then I slowly increased the time. And then I started added running, but I went for maybe 30 seconds at a tine at first. Then after a few sessions like that, I increased to running one minute. Then when I could do that, I increased to 90 seconds, and so on. When I finally felt I was able, I then began the first lesson in the program.

The whole point is don't be discouraged by expecting yourself to be able top do any beginner exercise program. You can adapt it to your needs. But then increase the activity to stretch yourself. It is amazing what our bodies can do when we push them.