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Ideas for Getting Active

What can you do to get active? Plenty! Here is a list of some ideas for activities that you can do.

  • Simple Activities
    • Walking
    • Jogging
    • Running
    • Riding a stationary Bike
    • Riding a regular bike
    • Swimming
    • Yoga
    • Play games or exercise with the Wii
    • General Exercises
      • Walk in place
      • Jog in place
      • Jump rope
      • Sit-ups
      • Push-ups
      • Pull-ups
      • Squats
      • Walk up and down the stairs
      • Exercise on a FitBoard
      • Follow an exercise video
    • HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
  • Sports and Team games
    • Volleyball game
    • Basketball game
    • Softball game
    • Kickball game
    • Horseshoe game